Monday, February 27, 2006

Games can be part of the obesity - prevention solution

Water Cooler Games has a nice bit about the CDC's new ad campaign against video games.

Here is what people are  missing when they talk about games and obesity. The *games* aren't the problem, the sedentary activity is. If we can capture what is great about games, and port that into activity, we will have found a great new way to reach people who don't enjoy moving other ways. 

Why do kids play baseball videogames instead of real baseball? Their reasons probably vary from gamer to gamer... but let's capitalize on those reasons and increase activity through gameplay!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

PEW: Internet & American Life Study Home Broadband Adoption

Rural Americans are less likely to log on to the internet at home with high-speed internet connections than people living in other parts of the country. By the end of 2005, 24% of adult rural Americans went online at home with high-speed internet connections compared with 39% of adults in urban and suburban areas.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Student Game Development Club

Gamasutra featured an article on the Texas Aggie Game Development Club, and their recent challenge to design a game in a week. The article features some of the games they did, and the club's web page gives more information.